Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
“Be you, but be a professional version of yourself”. Wise words from Elliott in this short video about how you can be yourself at work. Obviously, a key element to doing that is to seek jobs and careers that tend to match more of who you are, your skills and your interests. If you are seeking that opportunity that matches the best of you, then we at Cirencester Ashcroft Work Club would be happy to help you to think what that might be. Our contact details are on the Cirencester Ashcroft Work Club Facebook page. Andy Rickell, Cirencester Ashcroft Work Club Manager.
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
Prayer for today (from the Methodist Church Facebook page). Every blessing, Andy Rickell.
Holy Spirit of God,
You promise to come to us in our need.
When we have been hurt and feel low,
when people take advantage of us for their own ends
it’s hard to know that you are there.
We don’t always know how to pray to you.
Help us to discover your presence in the pain and confusion.
Give us the hope that comes from realising that you know and understand us,
and that the deepest longings of our hearts
are an unspoken prayer that we might be renewed by your love,
and transformed by your grace.
Holy Spirit of God,
You promise to come to us in our need.
When we have been hurt and feel low,
when people take advantage of us for their own ends
it’s hard to know that you are there.
We don’t always know how to pray to you.
Help us to discover your presence in the pain and confusion.
Give us the hope that comes from realising that you know and understand us,
and that the deepest longings of our hearts
are an unspoken prayer that we might be renewed by your love,
and transformed by your grace.
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
A link to the library of previous Circuit “Worship At Home” online services is now available to view on the Gloucestershire Methodist Circuit Facebook page.
Ashcroft’s own online service should normally appear live on YouTube at 10.30am today at this link
- and be available as a recording here thereafter.
Every blessing, Andy Rickell, Chair of Trustees
Ashcroft’s own online service should normally appear live on YouTube at 10.30am today at this link
- and be available as a recording here thereafter.
Every blessing, Andy Rickell, Chair of Trustees
Share your videos with friends, family and the world
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
Prayer for today (from the Methodist Church Facebook page). Every blessing, Andy Rickell
Gracious God, in Jesus we see your image, in all its wonder and beauty, majesty and splendour. In ourselves and in each other we reflect your image and mirror your glory, like an image in a reflecting pool.
But too often we distort your image in us. We do not see you in the wonder of the people all around us or your creation. We are blinded to the treasure within us and about us. When we do not see your glory or do not celebrate the treasure of your generous love in the wonder of our neighbours and the delight of your creation, have mercy we pray.
And help us to see.
Help us to mirror your glory.
Help us to treasure the gifts and graces you lavish on us and on all creation.
Help us to see you in refugees, migrants and displaced people, as we see you when we look in the mirror, or in the still, calm waters.
And help us to be thankful. Amen.
Gracious God, in Jesus we see your image, in all its wonder and beauty, majesty and splendour. In ourselves and in each other we reflect your image and mirror your glory, like an image in a reflecting pool.
But too often we distort your image in us. We do not see you in the wonder of the people all around us or your creation. We are blinded to the treasure within us and about us. When we do not see your glory or do not celebrate the treasure of your generous love in the wonder of our neighbours and the delight of your creation, have mercy we pray.
And help us to see.
Help us to mirror your glory.
Help us to treasure the gifts and graces you lavish on us and on all creation.
Help us to see you in refugees, migrants and displaced people, as we see you when we look in the mirror, or in the still, calm waters.
And help us to be thankful. Amen.
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
Ashcroft Church will be having a face-to-face service in the church building tomorrow at 10.30am. The service should normally be streamed live via YouTube at
and a recording of it should be available online thereafter too.
If you wish to attend any service in person, you can just turn up on the day. Some Covid recommendations will apply when you attend, including wearing a face mask if you wish, though it is now a matter of personal choice.
The circuit is discontinuing providing weekly circuit “Worship at Home” online services via YouTube and Facebook for those who cannot attend in person. Instead we will be providing links to online services provided by individual circuit churches in due course. In the meantime, I will provide the link to our previous circuit online services tomorrow morning at about 8am, for you to watch one you may not have seen previously.
Every blessing, Andy Rickell, Chair of Trustees
Ashcroft Church will be having a face-to-face service in the church building tomorrow at 10.30am. The service should normally be streamed live via YouTube at
and a recording of it should be available online thereafter too.
If you wish to attend any service in person, you can just turn up on the day. Some Covid recommendations will apply when you attend, including wearing a face mask if you wish, though it is now a matter of personal choice.
The circuit is discontinuing providing weekly circuit “Worship at Home” online services via YouTube and Facebook for those who cannot attend in person. Instead we will be providing links to online services provided by individual circuit churches in due course. In the meantime, I will provide the link to our previous circuit online services tomorrow morning at about 8am, for you to watch one you may not have seen previously.
Every blessing, Andy Rickell, Chair of Trustees
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
Prayer for today (from the Methodist Church Facebook page). Every blessing, Andy Rickell
Faithful God, open the eyes of our hearts to recognise your presence in the seemingly hopeless circumstances of life. Help us not to give up hope in the treasures of love, integrity and justice even when the news is dismal; when our institutions seem powerless against the forces of indifference and destruction; when people seem incapable of doing or even imagining goodness. Deep in the darkness of the soil, O Lord, you are feeding the shoots of a new community of hope. Amongst unseen communities, you are inspiring men, women and children to dream of, and make real, a new world that is courageous, gentle and just. Help us to value your way of being that brings true richness to life – the way of Jesus Christ. Amen
Faithful God, open the eyes of our hearts to recognise your presence in the seemingly hopeless circumstances of life. Help us not to give up hope in the treasures of love, integrity and justice even when the news is dismal; when our institutions seem powerless against the forces of indifference and destruction; when people seem incapable of doing or even imagining goodness. Deep in the darkness of the soil, O Lord, you are feeding the shoots of a new community of hope. Amongst unseen communities, you are inspiring men, women and children to dream of, and make real, a new world that is courageous, gentle and just. Help us to value your way of being that brings true richness to life – the way of Jesus Christ. Amen