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Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
A great article in the mainstream media. Every blessing, Andy Rickell
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre

WEEKLY UPDATE - UPDATED AT 4TH FEBRUARY 2025 (with updated next 7 weeks’ sessions)

(Written unusually whilst on leave)


Monday sessions have moved to St Lawrence’s Church, Chesterton, Cirencester from 4th March 2024 as part of building Cirencester Ashcroft Church’s partnership with St Lawrence’s. The Tuesday sessions will continue at Cirencester Ashcroft Church, Ashcroft Road, Cirencester, as usual.

The work club will continue to operate on most

Mondays - 9.00am to 11.00am at St Lawrence’s Church Centre
Tuesdays – 12.00pm to 2.00pm at Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
(but not on Bank Holidays).

We are now usually open for confidential one-to-one face-to-face support at these times. We also provide one-to-one phone and online support at these times too.

We also work in partnership with Cirencester Jobcentre to support referred jobseekers who would like some extra assistance.

You can contact me at the usual work club times by :-
- Face-to-face;
- Email :;
- Phone or text : 07951439302;
- Sending a message through the Cirencester Ashcroft Work Club Facebook page.

We can then have a chat face-to-face, by phone, by message, or by video link if we can set one up, and I will do my best to help you.

You can also contact me at other times and we will then agree an appointment time to have a proper conversation.

Specific opening times over the next few weeks are below. Later opening times for the period up to the middle of AUGUST 2025 are in the Events section (which is itself sometimes in the About section) of the Cirencester Ashcroft Work Club and Cirencester Ashcroft Church and Centre Facebook pages. To access those later times, you will now need to be signed in to Facebook yourself, as Facebook recently “upgraded” so that Events data cannot be accessed by internet search alone (at least that seems to be what’s happened). Also Facebook only lets us select a maximum of about 50 future dates for an event at the time it is first published, hence why it appears to stop at a random date.

Monday 10th, 17th, 24th February, 3rd March (CLOSED - VOLUNTEER ON LEAVE)
Tuesday 11th, 18th, 25th, February, 4th March (CLOSED - VOLUNTEER ON LEAVE)

Monday 10th March 9.00 - 11.00 (AT ST LAWRENCE’S CENTRE)
Tuesday 11th March 12.00 - 2.00 (AT ASHCROFT CENTRE)

Monday 17th March 9.00 - 11.00 (AT ST LAWRENCE’S CENTRE)
Tuesday 18th March 12.00 - 2.00 (AT ASHCROFT CENTRE)

Monday 24th March 9.00 - 11.00 (AT ST LAWRENCE’S CENTRE)
Tuesday 25th March 12.00 - 2.00 (AT ASHCROFT CENTRE)

(For those who are interested, I normally highlight the opening times for the next 4 weeks. However sometimes I increase this when they include a break, in part to make sure that the last week I show is one when we are open. This is to emphasise that any closure is only temporary. The work club is a key part of Ashcroft’s mission and outreach project until at least June 2027. After that date I intend to continue to run the work club indefinitely, whether or not part of a larger project.)

Andy Rickell, Cirencester Ashcroft Work Club Manager
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
Potholes! A sign of a crumbling system, in several respects. The company and council aren’t required to act until the pothole gets big enough to meet an operational threshold. Of course, the pothole presents a problem to the road user as soon as it is created, and has to be lived with until its size warrants action. Two different perspectives which inevitably leave road users unhappy, council tax payers feeling their money is poorly used, and everyone dissatisfied with the situation. So we pray for all those people who suffer difficulties because of the imperfect nature of a public service. We pray for all those delivering public services where the resources and parameters they are asked to operate within mean they fail to meet expectations. And we pray for all of us to have patience with the imperfect but demand action to improve the quality of public services to improve the quality of life for all this county’s residents and visitors. Every blessing, Andy Rickell, Circuit Social Justice Officer.
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
Thought for the day. Every blessing, Andy Rickell
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
We learn more from our failures than our successes - it’s just a particularly unpleasant lesson at the time! Finding the positives in failure helps us to improve as working professionals, and to put behind us the feelings that come from messing up. If you struggle to deal with past failure at work, or are so afraid of failure it affects how you approach your work in a bad way, then please speak to us at Cirencester Ashcroft Work Club and we will help you to reframe past or potential failure. Our contact details are on the Cirencester Ashcroft Work Club Facebook page. Andy Rickell, Cirencester Ashcroft Work Club Manager
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
Cirencester Ashcroft Church & Centre
Good advice. Every blessing, Andy Rickell

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