Acts 1:14 New International Version (NIV) 14 They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.
Thy Kingdom Come is now LIVE. Follow us on facebook for daily updates, videos and prayers. You can find a playlist of each days reflection below and on our youtube channel.
Thy Kingdom Come is a worldwide prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost. Since its launch by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in 2016, Christians from 172 countries and 65 denominations have taken part in praying for friends and family to come to faith in Jesus Christ. The Methodist Church in Britain has been a key ecumenical partner in Thy Kingdom Come since 2017.
The days between Ascension and Pentecost have always been full of expectation and anticipation. As the Lord Jesus ascended, he promised the gift of the Holy Spirit to enable the disciples to be witnesses. As they waited for the promise to be fulfilled they devoted themselves constantly to prayer (Acts 1 v14). So, the renewed call across the Church is to set these days apart to pray.
From the 13th to the 23rd May we will be joining together, in our respective locations, to pray for our world and for God’s love to be shown and known at this challenging time. Join us online, through our youtube and podcast channels and with the materials below as we pray together.

Thy Kingdome Come – a prayer journal
Journey through the eleven days of Thy Kingdom Come using the prayer journal.
- Each day there is a passage from the Bible, a short reflection, a prayer, and a suggestion for action. There is also space each day for your own notes.
- Throughout the journal there are images to help you meditate on each daily theme. Let these inspire you as you read through each section for that day; and add your own notes.
Download a Pdf of the prayer journal here
Thy Kingdom Come Digital Family Prayer Adventure Map

Perfect for home schooling, the Digital Family Prayer Adventure Map takes you and your kids or grandkids through 11 days of fun prayer activities between Ascension and Pentecost. Learn Bible stories in an accessible way, talk to God, draw, write and solve puzzles using this colourful A2 folded map, which is suitable for 5 to 11-year-olds.
The Digital Family Adventure Prayer Map is the flagship family resource for Thy Kingdom Come. This year there is an app which is to be used in collaboration with the map, featuring daily games and videos. There are also lots of other helpful ways to engage further with the Prayer Adventure Map, including the podcast and the school assemblies plan. To find out more visit the Thy Kingdom Come Prayer Map web page.
Download the app:
Google Play Store: https://bit.ly/TKCMAPARGooglePlay
Apple Store: https://bit.ly/TKCMAPARAppleStore