Our Bible Study Group meets fortnightly at the Church on Thursday afternoons. Our
discussions are very informal, lively, and hopefully thought-provoking and helpful in
supporting us wherever we are on our Christian journey.
We normally follow themed series using Bible Study guides. We are currently
following a series on ‘Christian Beliefs’ – a refresher on some of the basic themes of
the Christian faith.
Upcoming meetings
We have 3 remaining series sessions with Trevor Wills leading:
– Thursday 7th September 3pm ‘The Mission of the Church’ (Acts 2)
– Thursday 21st September 3pm ‘The Community of the Church’ (Ephesians 4: 1-16)
– Thursday 5th October 3pm ‘Hope for the Future’ (2 Peter 3: 3-14).
These themes are timely, given our current Ashcroft ‘Vision’ initiative, so why not
come along – everyone welcome.
Contact the Church office to get contact details for this group’s leaders.